Thursday, November 15, 2012

My attempt of 25 facts about myself... I got 13 /:

Well hello.
I thought I would try this blog thing, since I always ramble and nobody I talk to seems to really care about any of it except my Zach man, but I am pretty sure he tunes me out without being to obvious. Ha he is definitely a sweet boy. 💓 😍

So random 25 facts people may or may not know about me... (I hope I can think of that many, I feel like a bore) k ...ready....set......go!

1. My name is Brandy Lynn, nobody ever that I can remember has called me that (unless I am in trouble heheh) I have been called bran bran, brandy Lou, B. , hutch, b dog(it was cool in jr high school...gag!)  and little missy. 

2. I am beyond obsessed with my pup kitty! Ooh how she makes me heart melt, I can't get enough of her. She can get enough of me but my favorite time with her is bright and early when she first wakes up. She jumps on the bed and slowly crawls up to my face and I kiss her little nose and she she rolls on her back and we just snuggle while I rub her paws, if I don't let her go the second she is done she usually sneezes in my face and runs haha little stinker!

3. When I was little sometimes my little brother and I would pretend he was my boyfriend and hold hands in the store, I was probably in kindergarten and it was just the cool thing to do I guess.

4. Very randomly i think about things that I did when I was little and I fester. Example: I had this cool robot pocket watch that my mom gave me, and my class was in line for something and I pushed a kid and he was going to tell in me, so he said give me your watch and I won't tell on you. So sadly I did. I want my effing robot watch back! Hahaha kidding but not kidding

5. My zodiac is Cancer, and sometimes I read things about the sign and it makes me laugh cause I feel like it's exactly me. Not necessarily the what your day is going to be like stuff...(sometimes its dead on, but No, i do not live my life according to what my daily astrology advice is) its more like the moody things they point out, how one minute I can be in party mode and the next I don't want to be around people. Haha sad, but true it's totally why I am a hermit. I blame being born in the month of June.

6. I love people watching, it's amazing how you look beyond the front people put up and you can really see what kind of person they really are, just because I am quiet and keep to myself doesn't mean I am clueless as to what's going on. I am fully aware of what goes on around me and I choose to deal or not deal with it. Whatever.

7. My mom is my BFF... I am not just saying this because she is sick and blah blah blah... But even before we were attached at the hip. Anyone that knows us and will vouch for that. Most of my shinanagins growing up, she was behind the wheel (literally) . Haha I mean what mom would drive her daughter and best friend at the time down state street, on a Saturday night and also help other friends sneak out of their houses to come hangout hahah silly mom, I just love her!

8. I cannot sleep if there is not one little tiny light shinning somewhere in my room, for the longest time even into my adult hood I have had to sleep with a night light. Yay for childhood trauma. I have tried to concur it with mind over matter, even having someone turn off my light while I am dead asleep and as soon as it happens my eyes are wide open and I start Into panic mode. When I go to haunted houses, I am fine until its a black room with no lights... My heart rate goes instantly up, palms are sweaty and I'm ready to curl up in a ball and cry. Meanwhile girls are screaming and running away from the chainsaw guys... Hahaha I wish. 

9.  Unfortunately I love making friends, and I feel like a creeper status because I give people all my trust up front and I am so naive and ready to get to now each-other and have fun and then... They do something like start some sort of conflict (major turn off) and it just ruins the magic for me and I am over it. But then! They say or do something nice and I forget all about the mean/bad thing they did and the magic is back!! And then oh wait... Something else happens  maybe not the same thing but enough for me to be a little hurt or a lot of hurt and I curl up in my shell and just then....they reach out and the magic is back! Hahaha I had this problem with a girl I worked closely with. So exhausting! Will I learn?! Probably not... I love people, and no matter how many times someone hurts me or whatever you call it, they do one nice decent thing and that's all I see, goodbye to whatever just happened even if it was ten minutes ago... Hah holy hell it's exhausting. 

10. Well I'm only on ten and I feel like I have nothing else to say about me.... Zzzzzzzzzz...zzz maybe it's cause I am suck and its 11:oo and I should be sleeping. But noo... I told you I like to ramble.

11. Sometimes I get so much energy and excited about life that I just start exploding thoughts and ideas about where and what I want to do and when .. And then... My head falls back into my shoulders and I can't stop planning on how I'm going to make it happen. It's the best thing ever, and I love sharing my thoughts with my Zach man cause he gets excited with me and it makes me even more excited.

12. It's 11:11, I use to make the same wish for the longest time, girly I know.... But If I was awake I would do it. And now that its come true, 11:11 just makes me smile. 

13. Spiders, I hate spiders. Can I kill them? No.... The crunch of a bug makes is the worst. I honestly don't know if there is anything worse. Eew okay on to 14 **😓

Okay we'll I only made it to 13. I'm over it, I need to rest my body isn't going to magically unsick itself. Bye!!!

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